Comments on The Expose Affair

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From: lindafishes8
Date: 11/18/2014
Very nice! Napoleon doubting himself was well done, as was the animosity from the detectives focused on both UNCLE agents. I enjoyed the Angelique/Illya dialogue especially. They hate each other so wonderfully, don't they? Illya leaving Angelique with the check-perfect! Have you read 'My Dinner With Angelique' by Linda Cornett?
From: kate
Date: 06/04/2010
Great story. I've never heard of NYPD but you've captured Napoleon's and Illya's voices very well. And I love Angelique. Hope you'll be sharing more.
From: Darci
Date: 06/03/2010
I don't recall N.Y.P.D, but this was still an enjoyable reminder of why we like Man from U.N.C.L.E so much. It's the camaraderie between Illya and Napolean, first, and the rest of the New York staff as well. It's even fun to read Janine Gray's character again. Thanks!

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